
A foundation dedicated to advocating for the legal recognition and protection of companion animals globally, with a commitment to ensuring equal treatment regardless of religion, race, or gender.

XOOX: Pet Life Platform

Pet Life Platform XOOX Pet Life Platform, a community function-based pet social network services. A platform that allows managers to share photos and music and create videos online.

XOOX B: Pet Supplies App

Pet Supplies App BIRTHDAY & BIDDING POWER, joint purchase.
The benefit of joint purchase between manufacturers and XOOX members is the ability to acquire goods and services at a low cost.

Xoox S

Detection and treatment of disease that will occur through ancestor testing (% Mix) and DNA & MBTI biopsy through pets DNA & MBTI testing. "Pets matching service that fits the most genetically”


XOOX Tech provides Ai-based software development, mobile app development, website design & development, digital photographic design, and e-commerce solution technology as our services.


Pet Music Cultural Service customized for pet to promote healing and emotional stability. Music can be uploaded by everyone who is registered with XOOX.


Provides pet self-diagnosis service & hospital matching service with urine diagnostic kit for pets


A platform offering a diverse selection of XOOX characters available for enjoyment and purchase.

Jo Studios

An AI-generated music created by educating ideal music for deep learning by professional composers.